DAY 2 - The Firm Foundation of the Fear of the Lord | Wisdom Becomes You October Devotional

Tuesday, October 02, 2018 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Proverbs 1:7 Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

To fear the Lord is not being afraid of Him, like someone who is afraid of the police. The fear of the Lord is your desire not to displease Him. Pleasing God becomes your lifestyle..

When you decide to please the Lord in all your ways, you open yourself up to "true" knowledge. True knowledge comes from the Lord and is higher than man's knowledge. In reality, you lay a firm foundation in your life.  Not having a foundation is the problem with people who act foolishly. Wisdom and godly discipline are not attainable, because these virtues are developed on the firm foundation of the fear of the Lord. 

Reflection Question: What areas of your life need adjustment, so that you can build on the firm foundation of true knowledge? 

Key insight I gained today:

Today’s action item based on insight:


Healthy Mind = Healthy Life Workshop October 6:
Free registration here: