The Empty Nest

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Bryan Hudson 1 Comments

For Patricia and I, this is a bittersweet time as our youngest child, Christine, goes off to college. It's sweet because we are happy to see her attend the school of her choice, DePauw University. It's a little bitter because Patricia and I will be "rattling around" our big ole' house with empty bedrooms. On top of all that, we'll have to deal with Carson's (the cat) "separation anxiety" issues with Christine being away from home. Pray for us!

Along with Christine, several of our youth are going off to college. We are happy for each one, but their departure leaves a void in our church fellowship. We will see them from time to time, but going off to school represents a turning point in their lives. Let's keep these young men and women in our prayers.

Here we go!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Bryan Hudson 6 Comments

Today, I am joining the blogging community! Like a baby, a web log (the full name of "blog") require lots of care and feeding. It's not something I wanted to start before I was ready to commit to maintaining it. Well, I'm ready to do this!

My friends know that I have a lot to say and have written on many subjects–some of which have been controversial. I have strong feelings about some things, so I trust you will allow me to express those points of view. Certainly, I don't claim to always be correct, but I claim to be honest and deeply concerned about the topics I raise. Feel free to engage me. If I'm wrong, tell me. If you feel I'm right, let me also know that.

I'll try to post at least twice per week on a wide range of subjects. Be sure to check out the various links to websites and blogs of interest. 

My journey into the "bloggersphere" begins today!