The Pull of Value & Priority; "Pearls of Priority" | Part 11 of Navigate! How to Successfully Journey Through Life and These Times
Key Scriptures:
Matthew 13:45 Again the kingdom of heaven is like a man who is a dealer in search of fine and precious pearls, 46 Who, on finding a single pearl of great price, went and sold all he had and bought it.
Value of Learning and Discovery
One great lesson of the parable is the joy of the discovery that caused the man to be willing to give up everything to make the treasure, and the expectation of discovery his own.
The Pull of Priority Revealed:
Find your “Pearls” and “Pearl.” Prioritize the things in God and in life that are most beautiful to you.
What is the Value of Priority?
Priority is not only about things you HAVE TO DO.
It is also about things you LOVE TO DO.
It is about things that you consider beautiful and the the pursuit of those things
We don’t seek the kingdom only to have things added. We seek the kingdom because it is beautiful! We seek the kingdom because there’s nothing better!
Value Reflection Questions:
1. What is Value?
2. Who are the people you value?
3. What are the things you value?
4. What values need to change?
5. How to you value the kingdom of God?
Priority Reflection Questions:
1. What is Priority?
2. What do you have to do?
3. What should you do?
4. What things are beautiful to you?
5. Where does the Kingdom of God fit in?
6. What needs to change?