Democracy In Peril: Dishonest Scales & White Privilege – Thoughts From the Presidential Debate of September 10, 2024
Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, But a just weight is His delight. ~ Proverbs 11:1 (NKJV)On the evening of September 10, 2024 a presidential debate, hosted by ABC News, was held between Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. It was watched by a reported 67 million viewers. Readers of this article were likely among the viewers.
The debate can be viewed on YouTube. Here is the transcript of the debate.
Reactions to the debate reminded me of something I have known most of my adult life: Race and gender ALWAYS have a role in public discourse. That discourse is rarely objective (meaning “what it is”). It is usually subjective (“what I think it is”). Commentary and “spin” about remarks made by both candidates fall into both objective and subjective statements. We don't need to listen to what others said about the debate, just watch the video for yourself or read the transcript.
Comments about Harris and Black people once again confirmed a thesis I’ve held for several decades based on actions from our nation’s history, actions in recent history, and reactions from the debate held on September 10, 2024 demonstrate:
Racism is not only a stain on the fabric of our nation. Racism is part of the threads that form the fabric of our nation.
I define racism as disparaging people of another ethnic identity while considering one’s own ethnicity superior. It is a particular issue related to how many (not all) White people have treated Black people, as a racial minority, from the past to the present.
It is foolish to believe that the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was not impacted by their race and gender. There is no question that women, Black women, and people of color are drawn to Kamala Harris because she is Black. However, her ethnicity is not the only factor that has attracted Black people and other people of color. We (and I include myself) are attracted to her extraordinary competence. Justice Clarence Thomas is also Black, but many of us don’t consider him to be highly competent, certainly not at the time of his appointment.
Something not understood by many is that being Black is not good enough to earn our support—you have to be very good! Many of us were trained to the reality that we have to be twice as good as others because in many cases White people, by default, will favor other White folk above you.
This is the essence of White privilege, which is something that White folks have not necessarily cultivated, and we do not disparage the work they have put in. It is simply a benefit of being White in American culture.
Donald Trump, in all his corruption, delusions, lies, political incompetence, criminality, advanced age, and diminished mental state, benefits from being a celebrity White male. He has developed a cult of personality, where his cult followers believe whatever they are told.
Let’s put him in the “scale:”
Where would Trump be today if he was a Black man? If Trump was Black, behaving in the manner we have seen for many years, he would already be serving a prison sentence.
White privilege allowed him to become the Republican nominee in 2024, with a criminal record, having the backing of the Supreme Court in granting immunity from criminal acts, and calling the honorable Vice President Kamala Harris, “not very smart” and “nasty.” (A term he only uses toward women)
Kamala Harris has 21 years of government service experience before becoming the presidential nominee for 2024.
This compares to 13 years experience for President Kennedy, 8 years for President Reagan, 11 years for President Obama, and 0 years for President Donald Trump.
Regardless of this significant fact, Kamala Harris has been characterized as follows:
“She’s not smart…”
“She is a nasty person…”
“Childless women lack character…” (Harris has two step children)
“She lacks experience…”
“She doesn’t speak well…”
“She is not a good debater…”
“She is not presidential…”
As we read earlier, Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, But a just weight is His delight. Proverbs 11:1 (NKJV)
She is objectively qualified to become President of the United States. Given her experience and qualifications, why would anyone say or think otherwise?
MY CONCLUSION: Kamala Harris is disparaged because she is Black and female.
To be sure, not every White person has been compromised by racist perceptions. At the founding of our nation, there were people who believed that Africans should not be enslaved. There was a debate about allowing slavery to become part of the original colonies. Some advocated to dismantle chattel slavery (though the earnestness of the effort can be questioned). But such persons were far outnumbered by those who thought Africans to be inferior and not made in the image of God, as White people. More impactful was the determination of slave owners to maintain free labor. This is one of the reasons why I do not believe our nation was founded on “Christian” principles. Committed followers of Christ would not have permitted the enslavement of fellow humans made in God’s image and likeness at the founding of the nation.
In May of 1845, the Southern Baptist Convention was founded for the express purpose of supporting slave owning church members. They embraced an ungodly and brutal theology that believed the enslavement of Black people was beneficial to them, Buying, selling, and abusing Black people was normal behavior for these “Christians.” In reality, what was “beneficial” were the products and profits White people gained through forced, free labor by Black people.
Why is Donald Trump Still a Contender?
How is it possible that a man like Donald Trump has any chance of becoming president again? The debate on September 10, 2024 laid bare what had previously been obfuscated by institutions like Fox News, and excuses/accommodations made by people in his circle, including White evangelical Christians. Some 200 “regular” Republicans such as Liz Cheney have renounced Trump and pledged support to Kamala Harris, because they are clear eyed and place democracy above political party.
Trump is a Threat to Democracy
A man who does not know or respect the U.S. Constitution, denied the outcome of the 2020 election that he lost, refused to concede and consent to a peaceful transfer of power by inciting an insurrection against our nation’s capitol should not be allowed to become president or hold political office. He should be serving a sentence for his crimes.
The only thing keeping Trump a contender are “dishonest scales.” His White male status is sustaining him. He has abandoned the principles that attracted supporters such as White evangelical Christians––consistent with his demonstrated selfish nature.
Resulting from the selfless and courageous act of President Joe Biden putting his country ahead of himself, he passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris, whom he selected to run with him in 2020. She has ascended to become the Democratic Presidential nominee.
That same moment revealed to the wider world the high character, profound intelligence, extraordinary competence, and presidential temperament of Vice President Kamala Harris.
She is twice as good, will honor our democracy, and be a fine President!