He Rose! You Can Stand!

Friday, April 18, 2014 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Acts 4:33, And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all.

Grace is God's favor and bountiful benefits for your life. Grace is your greatest provision. God's grace is the power that caused Jesus to rise from the dead after suffering and dying for your sins and mine. Think about the greatness of the power that raised Him from the dead! That same power is available to you!

The root meaning for the Bible Greek word for "resurrection" is anastasis. This word literally means "to cause to stand up." After taking our sins to the cross and carrying our sins to the grave through death, He rose from the dead. He "stood up" for you and me, providing forgiveness, peace, joy and a new life with God.

Along with this new life comes the promise of helping you to stand up when the circumstances of life have knocked you down. The same grace/power that raised Christ from the dead is available today to raise you up in your challenges! (Romans 8:11)
