Act Like Men

Friday, October 30, 2009 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NAS) "Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done in love."

During a recent devotional Bible reading, I became intrigued by this text within the larger context of the challenges face by believers at Corinth. Paul closed this first wide-ranging letter to the Corinthian church with words of exhortation and action.

Many paraphrased Bibles and a few translations steer clear of the word "men" to present the core idea as, "be courageous" or "be brave." This may be appropriate. However, the original text uses the Greek word "andrizomai" meaning, "to act manly."

Since Paul's statement was addressed to all believers at Corinth, it was intended to be received by men and women alike. There is something very positive to be "seen" and understood in the words, "Act like men." It is instructive to highlight the good qualities of both sexes. In this particular text, we are invited to consider "manly" instances of decisiveness, strength, valor, intensity, protecting others, as well as other good and godly traits of men.

I'm thinking about my father, both late grandfathers, and other men in my family who have inspired me by their example. We all know of men who are not living up to their calling and potential, but this does not change God's intention for men. Clearly, key women in my life have had an equally important influence on me, but in a different manner than the men

The words, "Act like men" should not be viewed as an affront to women. It should become a source of inspiration for all believers to take a mindset to operate with strength, resolve and intensity.

Paul's final statement reveals the most important mindset: "Let all that you do be done in love."