Weekend for Winners 2010: A Very Special Encounter with Our Mighty God!
We had glorious and insight-filled meetings last Saturday/Sunday during Weekend for Winners! Dr. Earl D. Johnson ministered from his 49 years of experience of preaching the Gospel and serving God's kingdom. He ministered along the lines of our theme, "Run to Win" in both power and in a manner that kept us joyful and focused.We had a good turnout of guests and pastors from several churches, including Pastor Julius Stephens, Pastor Johnson Beaven, Pastor Rodney Williams, Pastor Clary Butler, and Bishop Kenneth Sullivan, Sr. All sessions were well attended.
I commend Jordan and Tiara for their excellent ministry in dance, including a powerful interpretation of a song I requested, "You Hold My World," by Israel Houghton. Rob White blessed on the sax, and we heard many testimonies of God's grace, mercy and the transforming power of His Word! I even showed a Marines recruiting video to illustrate the mindset of an overcomer and winner.
Thanks to our Hospitality Team for serving up great refreshments on Saturday morning, including Lady Patricia's "World Famous" chicken salad! Thanks to Jonathan for doing audio, video and playing some guitar for the praise team! And thanks to our anointed praise team under the direction of Shawn Carter and Aaron Chandler! Aaron ministered on Saturday/Sunday even while dealing with a very grievous situation in his life. God used Min. Paula in a great way as well.
It seems like much more happened in two days and three meetings than one might expect who did not understand what Jesus would do among us.
Whether you were unable to attend Weekend for Winners, or decided not to come, I recommend that you receive the Word that went forth! Use the link below to visit the media resource page to order the messages.
Messages by Earl D. Johnson:
Saturday AM, October 9, 2010 | "Winners' Workshop"
(Includes illustration of Biblical Headship)
Saturday PM, October 9, 2010 | "What Does It Take to Win?"
Sunday AM, October 10, 2010 | "We Win With Vision"
Now, let's look forward to "running to win" towards the great things that God has in store for us! Stir yourself and see yourself running with our Lord Jesus Christ, reaching souls, reclaiming lost sheep, and edifying one another!

God is Good...All the Time!
Pastor Bryan Hudson