Becoming Real Life "Men of Steel"

Wednesday, June 13, 2018 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Gen 49:22 Joseph is a fruitful tree, A fruitful tree by a well; His branches run over the wall.

Eze. 22:30, I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. 

The fictional character "Superman" is called the "Man of Steel." 

There are real life Men of steel who are transformed by God, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God. Like the forging process that transforms raw iron into steel, God transforms males into men.

God created men to get things done. Guys who sit around doing nothing, or doing harmful things, are contrary to God's nature and to His purpose for men and boys. Remember that boys are just little men in development. Being male or man is not only a matter of physical attributes or outward appearance. There are also factors in the soul and heart that define a man.

Males and boys need to become "Men of Steel." No, not like "Superman," the imaginary superhero character, from an imaginary place, with imaginary powers. I'm thinking about real men of steel like my father and grandfathers who laid a firm foundation in my life!

In athletics, I think about the retired NBA basketball player, Karl Malone, who became known as "The mailman", because "He delivered."

In the working world, I think about U.S. Postal Service mail carriers who are also called "mailmen." We've heard the motto,  "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” Mail carriers deliver regardless of the circumstances.

We are living in a day that is not unlike the days in which Joseph and Ezekiel lived. Because of fallen human nature, sin and corruption have plagued men, people and society in every generation.

God said, “I looked for a man.” This Hebrew word for "man" is not the word meaning "person," man or woman. It is the Hebrew word meaning “male.” Why did God say he looked for a man? Because men can often do the most harm or the most good.  Indifferent and irresponsible men can cause abuse and neglect that wreck havoc on our society. However, engaged and responsible men and can bring deliverance and healing to our society.

God said, “ I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land…”

The wall represents the moral and righteous structure or barrier that supports a blessed and fruitful life. The wall both sustains and protects inhabitants of the house.

The gap or breach is the space between unfinished or broken sections of a wall. Now, what happens to a wall that is repeatedly broken in places? It weakens and falls. Today, because of the Lord Jesus Christ and his work of redemption, we have hope. We have men who can stand in the gap and make up the hedge.

Paul told his spiritual son Timothy, "Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us." (2 Tim. 1:13-14)

The Greek word for “pattern” is “typos." Typos is the mark of a stroke or blow, like old style printing.  It is a figure formed by a blow or impression. Boys need to see and hear a pattern, which are words and examples that are impressed upon their minds and hearts. Patterns of sound words cause boys to become men, and males to become men of steel.

Joseph became a man of steel in fulfillment of the words of his father Jacob: "Joseph is a fruitful tree, A fruitful tree by a well; His branches run over the wall." (Gen. 49:22)

Joseph was thirty when the promotion came (Genesis 41:46). He was seventeen when he was sold into slavery (Gen. 37:2). He had thirteen years of challenges, confusion, not knowing why he was going through situations he did not create for himself. From the Pit, to the Potiphar’s Place, to the Prison, and finally to Pharoah’s Palace.  Joseph proved God’s pattern in his life. He endured the tests, held to his character, and transformed into a man of steel. He became that "fruitful tree." He ultimately saved his whole family and nation in a time of famine.

Again, men of steel are males who are transformed by God, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God. Like the process that transforms raw iron into steel, God transforms males into men.

Example of how iron becomes steel: "Steel is the most refined metal that can be made from iron.  In the blast furnace, where impurities are removed from the iron, and other key chemicals are added, the iron becomes a much stronger metal.” (Wikepedia)

Like Joseph, Peter, Paul, and even our Lord Jesus, experiences test and grow our faith. The love of God works in our lives like the refining fire that transforms steel from corruptible to incorruptible.

We become men of steel through the grace of God!

Listen to Podcast of message by Pastor Bryan Hudson, "Mail Men: Guys That Deliver"