The Great Exchange...."Jesus on the Mainline"

Monday, March 13, 2017 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

But those who hope in the Lord will renew [exchange] their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 

From time to time, we all need renewal and refreshing. The normal activities and challenges of life take a toll. There are also special circumstances like the passing of loved ones or unexpected setbacks in life.

Whatever the situation, God has made a provision through His grace. Grace is everything God has that He makes available to us.  And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. (John 1:16)

God’s method for renewal is something I call “The Great Exchange.” This is nothing new. It is a very old and biblical understanding of how God works in our lives. We cannot change ourselves using our own strength. We can make superficial adjustments, but deep and lasting change must come from our Creator. 

The Great Exchange began with Jesus giving His holy life for our sinful lives. He died in our place to take away our sins, and not only our sins but the sins of all people. (1 John 2:2, New Century Version)

As a photographer, I’ve become highly skilled at using my various cameras, but when my camera needs deep cleaning, calibration or repair, I have to send it to Nikon, Canon, Sony or Panasonic. I have to give up use of the camera and exchange my understanding for the manufacturer’s expertise.

Early in 2016, I experienced some pain in my lower leg after a workout. I “diagnosed” myself with a slight Achilles tendon strain (I had a rupture years ago and knew the difference). I put ice on it, rested it, and later began to slowly stretch it (as I “learned” from an almighty Google search!) The pain persisted off and on, so I went to the doctor months(!)later. A specialist diagnosed it as a partially torn Achilles tendon. It was like strands of a rope that had been torn with remaining strands bearing the load. All my efforts only made it worse, especially stretching it.

My best help came from doing an exchange of my limited (and foolish) diagnosis for a real doctor’s diagnosis and treatment. For this injury, surgery was not needed. I had to take pressure off the tendon by wearing a special boot at home and dress boots with a high heel when away from home. The high heel relieved tension on the tendon.

When I exchanged my knowledge for the doctor’s knowledge, my situation changed. 

Is there any situation in your life that would benefit from the Great Exchange? Jesus is our Specialist! Don’t frustrate yourself or make matters worse by trying to sort things out all by yourself.

Like the old folks used to say, “Jesus is on the mainline, call Him up and tell Him what you want!”


Listen to my message from Sunday, March 12, “The Empowerment of Encouragement: The Great Exchange.”