NCC Mortgage Burning 2017: Our Journey of Faith and God's Faithfulness

Sunday, September 17, 2017 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Philippians 1:6, Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

On Sunday, September 10 the members, leaders, and friends of New Covenant Church burned the mortgage on our church facility after paying off the mortgage on August 14 and becoming a debt free ministry!

It was a exciting and fulfilling occasion for our ministry, but it was much more! Paying off and burning the mortgage was both an encouragement and a prophetic declaration to everyone connected with New Covenant Church. When we give to God, support His work, and empower His kingdom, it is evidence of His provision and empowerment towards us. Watch this video excerpt from the "Free Indeed" mortgage burning celebration.

Watch below part of the celebration where made declarations and burned the mortgage document:

Here is a video I created telling part of our story, "Our Journey of Faith and God's Faithfulness."