"Remember" – Reflections on Rosa Parks Exhibit | Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute for July 20, 2022

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments


(“Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute” is a weekly encouragement. Subscribe to this blog to stay connected.) 

While my wife and I vacationed in Michigan, we visited the Ford Museum in Dearborn. We happened upon an excellent Black History exhibit that included a replica of the bus on which Rosa Parks sat. Her refusal to yield her seat to a White man triggered the Montgomery bus boycott. This was one of the key moments of the Civil Rights movement that began to break down the wall of racial segregation.

Her simple, courageous act of civil disobedience, along with the efforts of many other such as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, eventually led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

This was an interactive exhibit, so I was able to sit where Rosa Parks sat in the famous re-enactment photo.

This brief video shares my reflections in that moment. We thank God for our ancestors and all other courageous Americans, whether well known or "hidden figures," on whose shoulders we stand.

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