DAY #6 One Mind: Relational or Transactional | June 21-Day Firm Foundation Devotional: “Renewing Your Mind”

Thursday, June 06, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

June 21-Day Firm Foundation Devotional: “Renewing the Mind”
DAY #6:  One Mind: Relational or Transactional? 

Devotional reading from “Winning the Battle for Your Mind,” Chapter Two ~ A Biblical View of Human Nature


Today’s Lesson (written)

1 Peter 3:8; Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. 

The New Testament Greek word for “one mind” is Homophron: Comprised of two words: “homo,” meaning “same” and “phren,” meaning “the mind.” The definition is: Agreeing; of one mind.

Perhaps one unexplored aspect of renewing the mind is coming into a place of agreement with others, especially with other Christ followers. The Apostle Peter called this “one mind.” In this text and context, he wrote about matters of love to include redemptive relationships, having compassion, being tenderhearted, and courteous. 

Being of one mind is a two-way street. If it becomes a one-way street, the experience is actually counterproductive to your spiritual and mental well-being. All of the virtues cited by Peter only work when they are given and received. While love is unconditional, your engagement and involvement with others is conditional. 

Your most helpful and vital relationships are relational, not only transactional. Transacting is a part of life, but you have to assess if transactional aspects of relationships are outpacing relational aspects. My wife and best friend of 45 years have a marvelous relational style relationship. There is transaction in marriage, but marriages only based in transactions do not survive. Having one mind, as it relates to the characteristics of love, is essential. We don’t have to agree on paint colors to have a great marriage! (NOTE: Controlling, transactional type people in any type of relationship rarely yield.) 

Certainly, when you’re working a job, that is transactional. However, marriage and friendship should not be purely transactional. In other words, the basis of a relationship should not amount to: “What can you do for me?” Or “This is what I need you to do for me.” Again, some transactions are a normal part of all good relationships. 

One of the best measures of the type and health of a relationship is to consider this question: “Have I expressed care and concern for the person(s) with whom I relate?” The person who services my car has never asked me, “Bryan, how are you doing? How is your father doing?” That doesn’t indicate that the person doesn’t have compassion, it’s just not the nature of a transactional relationship. Of course, the barista at Starbucks may ask “how are you doing,” but we know that question was only a customer courtesy during a transaction. 

Endeavor to have “one mind” with others, but it can’t be forced. A relationship doesn’t have to end because having one mind is lacking, you just need to know the nature of the relationship. 

Romans 12:18, If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone..


1. What is having “one mind” from the context of 1 Peter 3:18?

2. What are examples of relational and transactional relationships in your life?

3. With whom do you need to become more relational?

ACTION ITEMS (What I will do with what I have learned):


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