Get Connected!

On Sunday, September 2, I shared a message titled, "Get Connected!" The focus of the message was to show the importance of believers getting connected to God's plan of reaching out to others. In turn, we help people get connected to Christ and to a better life. We also want to grow our church by reaching out in this way.
During the meetings, the ushers distributed "Get Connected!" flyers and we asked everyone to distribute them widely. These flyers should be given to friends, co-workers and posted at public or approved locations (Carry a supply of tacks for this purpose).
The message is simple and compelling, "Get Connected!" It's intended to provoke thinking on many levels of connection to God, family, health, finance, etc. When people login to our church website, they will see a Get Connected! link. This link takes visitors to the "Connected!" community online newsletter and blog. This site contains useful information such as weather forecasts, wellness information, a Bible quiz, inspirational items, and much more to come.
Feel free to offer your suggestions to help make Connected! a often visited web destination.