Day 14 | 21-Day Growth Challenge | "Increase the Old Fashioned Way"

Sunday, September 12, 2010 Bryan Hudson 7 Comments

Proverbs 13:11 (NLT), Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.

The New Living Translation has an interesting way of interpreting scripture. For our 21 Day Growth Challenge on the topic of "Prosperity God's Way," verse 11 is an ideal scripture.

As with many of the proverbs of Solomon, each verse is the contrast in concepts. When you watch late night television, you're bound to see some of the get rich quick program length commercials that promise the world with little to no required "skin in the game." As previous Proverbs have shown in this series, there are no lack people who choose to be a simple-minded and lack good judgment.

Someone once said, "A sucker is born every minute." Those who walk in wisdom from the Lord will never become "suckers" for the schemes of those who do no real work.

Working hard and working smart are surefire ways towards wealth. We should be clear that wealth is a relative term. When I visit places like Nigeria or Tijuana Mexico, I am reminded that nearly all Americans are wealthy and blessed by God. Certainly, we're not talking about the wealth of people like Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey. We're not talking about the wealth of professional athletes. We're talking about wealth from the perspective of having a full supply and enough over to give to others.

The book of Proverbs, and indeed the whole Bible, support the idea of increase by means of hard work. Sometimes people criticize people who are materially successful, without understanding the hard work and sacrifices that such persons have contributed towards their own success. Many of these same people are employers of many who read this post.

"Lord, help me always recognize the true source of wealth. Give me grace to work hard and smart. Show me where to spend my time and energy."

(Use comment section below to share your insights. Record sensitive items in your personal journal. You can login or simply use your first name.)
  1. What is one example of a get-rich-quick-scheme?
  2. What other verse(s) in Proverbs 13 stand out to you, and why?
  3. What actions will you take today related to this lesson?

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