Day 16 | 21-Day Growth Challenge | "Make Your Plans, Then Give Your Plans to God"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Bryan Hudson 10 Comments


Proverbs Chapter 16 is full of powerful insights for victorious living! Be sure to read/study the entire chapter.

Proverbs 16:1 We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer. (Also see verse 9)

Making plans is both wise and necessary. God does not do our planning for us. The key is to lay your plans before the Lord in prayer and ask for His direction and "answer."

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.

After we have consulted with God about our plans, we need to seek wisdom on the next actions. It is not enough to commit to what we've already planned do to. We need to give those actions to the Lord so that He can perfect them and give us specific wisdom on each item.

Proverbs 16:6 Unfailing love and faithfulness make atonement for sin. By fearing the Lord, people avoid evil.

Jesus paid the price for our redemption and forgiveness. He did it, not primarily because we needed it, but because He loved us. God's unfailing love and faithfulness is the motivation for everything He does. So long as we fear the Lord (also see Day 10 post), we'll be safe from participating in evil deeds.

Proverbs 16:7 When people’s lives please the Lord, even their enemies are at peace with them.

We spend too much time in conflict with people and too little time focused on pleasing God. If we please God, He'll handle our enemies. These are people and/or forces that work against your best interest.

Proverbs 16:8 Better to have little, with godliness, than to be rich and dishonest.

Some people can't handle increase without great temptation to compromise their integrity. While I believe that God wants to prosper His people, I know that some believers have not prepared their hearts to handle greater blessings. The sad fact is: Some people are better Christians when they have less. Don't settle for that status!

Proverbs 16:16 How much better to get wisdom than gold, and good judgment than silver!

This is another among many scriptures in Proverbs that place wisdom and good judgment far ahead of material gain. Again, this is the core truth of "Prosperity God's Way."

Proverbs 16:20 Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful.

Enough said!

"Lord, Give me ears to hear your truth. Let your word shape my heart, mind and life. Help me prepare my heart for increase. In Jesus Name, Amen!"

(Use comment section below to share your insights. Record sensitive items in your personal journal. You can login or simply use your first name.)
  1. Why do we need to make plans, but then lay all those plans before the Lord?
  2. Which verse in this lesson stands out to you and why?
  3. What other verse in Proverbs 16 ministers to you?
  4. What actions will you take today related to this lesson?

Click on "Comments" to read others and add yours afterwards.


  1. 1.) We cannot approach God with our laziness and lack of preparation and expect him to do everything. God has already done everything! He needs us to become mature and making plans or "counting the cost" is an integral part of our development in Christ. We show God and ourselves how serious we are through time spent in research and carful thought before hand.

    2.) "It is better to be poor and respect the Lord, than to be wealthy and have much trouble." Prov. 15:16 NCV

    Many Christians are not blessed in the way God has originally planned for us because these resources would only bring us trouble or the temptation to be "dishonest". The promises are there but we must grow and become mature in the things of God. If we are not fervently pursuing wisdom and making it a priority to learn 'God's ways' then it is impossible to ever manage the massive wealth and abundance of resources God has waiting for us.

    3.) "Wise people's lives get better and better. They avoid whatever would cause their death." Prov. 15:24 NCV

    Wisdom will lead you away from dangerous situations but It can also teach you how to increase your own health. Wisdom can keep you out of the wrong place at the wrong time or associating with questionable people. But, it can also lead you to take care of your body through basic exercise and healthy food choices. Both these things will preserve your life.

    4.) I need to deliberately and diligently take better care of myself which will bring honor to God. I need to realize that laziness is a thief of precious time and opportunity.

  2. 1. We need to make plans in order to establish direction in our lives. Those whom do not plan for their future often find that their life is difficult. However, the plans we make must be brought before the Lord to be sure that they are part of God’s will for our lives.

    2. Proverbs 15:20 Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful.

    This verse stands out because it councils us to listen to sound instruction and to trust the Lord in order to have a joyful and prosperous life. If we do not take heed to this scripture we will be destined to learn everything the hard way each time, versus listening to advice that would cause us to avoid destructive behaviors and situations. Furthermore, if we trust in the Lord, He will direct us to a straight path on which there are perpetual blessings.

    3. Proverbs 15:19 The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway.

    This verse stands out because it is a warning against laziness. It tells us that if we refuse to work, our life will be filled with heartache, however, the path of the diligent is a fast track to blessings because they have not only worked hard, but also have sought the Lord. The sluggard will waste more time trying to figure out how to get out of work instead of putting in an honest day’s work. Consequently, the sluggard goes without and still does not realize the folly of his or her ways. Many times they actually believe that the hard worker is the fool and will accept no wise council that will deliver them from their state of lack, hence revealing their blindness. This attitude is indicative of Proverbs 26:16, which states, A lazy person thinks he is wiser than seven people who give a sensible answer.

    4. I will diligently seek the Lord regarding plans I have set for my life.

  3. @Angela Prov 15:24 NCV is very good!
    @Jennifer Prov 15:19 is a little scary, but an appropriate warning against laziness

  4. 1. Why do we need to make plans, but then lay all those plan before the Lord?
    If we try to complete your plan you may not be in God's plan for your life and then you will not be able to please Him.

    2. Which verse in this lesson stands out to you and why?
    Verse 7: I am assured that if my ways are pleasing to God, I will be at peace even with folks that do not like me.

    3. What other verse in Proverbs 15 ministers to you?
    Verse 22 Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.
    4. What actions will you take today related to this lesson?
    I will continue to lay my plans before the Lord and seek wise godly counsel.

  5. 1. I have been apart of groups and organizations where the organizers did not plan well. Things fell apart,time and money were wasted.No plan you make is fail proof, but to not plan is foolish, lacking wisdom.
    Bringing that plan before the Lord shows him that you seek wise council from him for success.That is why, when you make your plans bring them before the Lord.
    2.As I read through Prov.chapter 16, verse 31 stood out to me.
    "Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life".
    For the righteous people of God going gray is a good thing. It is a testimony of your right living. That makes you think twice about coloring your gray hair, doesn't it?
    4.I will focus more on...
    a) righteous living; doing the right thing whether everyone else is doing it or not.
    b)Seeking God's face, waiting a little longer for clear instructions instead of hearing a portion of what God is saying and going off to do what I think he wants done.
    c) Stop getting upset and asking God 'WHY' when MY plans don't work out; despite the fact, I never asked him if it were OK to do them.

  6. 1. Why do we need to make plans, then lay them all before the Lord? God holds the future in His hands, He can see the path of trouble that may block us. He give wisdom as to how to get around walls or hurdles that try to block the plans. Also God has a plans for us Jeremiah 29:11. We may have a good plan, but God has the best plan.
    2.Which verse in this lesson stands out to me? verse 16:7 When my life pleases the Lord, even my enemies are at peace with me. I have experienced it several times..their tone in speaking changed because I didn't respond in the rage they had hoped for. Also your enemy will become curious in wondering what makes you tick.
    3.Other verse that ministers to me in Proverb: verse 32 (He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that rules his spirit is better than he that takes a city. You really can't hear God's instruction through anger or make good in point--Goliath was might and had the ability to single handedly take a city, but David was calm, and in charge of his spirit. The small became the might.
    4. Action taken: Pray that I will be willing to let go of my plans if they are not in agreement with Gods plans for me.

  7. 1)A vision without a plan is an idea. God gives us a vision and we are to make plans and to write them down so that we may accomplish them.

    2)Proverbs 16:17 "When peoples lives please the Lord, even their enemies are at peace with them." This scripture blesses me because it is just anothet example of how God prospers his people.

    3)Proverb 16:3 "Commit your ways to Lord and your plans will succeed." God promises are true if we delight in him he will give us the dires of our hearts.

  8. 1. We need a plan to make our thoughts a reality, a plan will tell us where to start and when it completed; and all the details to accomplish whatever we've set out to do. We lay our plans before God to receive His guidance, His insight,and His blessing.

    2. Verse 16 states that wisdom is better than gold and good judgement is better than silver and I believe that if we possess these attributes the things we need and desire will come. Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

    3. Verse 20. God's word tells us how to prosper in this life, (to listen to instruction) and how to be joyful (by trusting in Him). As we build a relationship with God through trust and obedience we receive God's abundant love.

    4. I pray that I will apply this word in the decision I have to make today and that God gives me the opportunity to share this lesson to encourage someone else.

  9. Dennis, Joycell and TiaraSeptember 16, 2010 at 11:32 PM

    1.Why do we need to make plans, but then lay all those plan before the Lord?

    We make plans because whatever we do we want things to be fun, enjoyable, peaceful, easy, safe and timely according to our understanding. God watches us make plans, but he knows that we need his wisdom to accomplish anything meaningful and worthwhile.
    2.Which verses in this lesson stands out to you and why? Verse number 3 says that as we commit our ways to the Lord our plans will succeed. We know that with God all things are possible to him that believe.
    3.What other verse in Proverbs 16 ministers to you?
    Verse 7 says that when peoples lives please the Lord, even his enemies will be at peace with him. The benifits of pleasing the Lord helps us to receive the things that we need, and not just what we want from the Lord. God knows the heart of man and he knows what we need.

    4.What actions will you take today related to this lesson?
    We will alway seek the Lord when making plans and decisions that concerns our life. And give God what He requires of us in order to please him and accompolish His will for our lives.

  10. 1.We need to make plans, but then lay all those plans before the Lord because He has graciously made known and we would be wise to accept that he promises “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Ps 32:8) and if we will “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Prov 3: 5, 6)
    2. The verses in this lesson that stands out to me is Proverbs 16:7 because during my lifetime have repeatedly experienced the Lord’s favor and faithfulness in making my enemies to be at peace with me. It has been difficult, but in the process of time it happens. I know that I have not always been pleasing to the Lord, but he sees my heart, my desires, my struggles, and above all, He sees me “in Christ Jesus”, His beloved Son, in whom He is well pleased.
    3.The other verse in Proverbs 16 that ministers to me is 16:25 (the same verse as 14;12) because the Lord has reminded and keeps reminding me to hear and understand this message for myself and to share it with others. The way that seems right, in our human weakness and failings, is not always the way that is right in the sight of the Lord. The destination of the way that seems right is death, but the way of the Lord leads to life, abundant in the here and now and everlasting in the eternity to come.
    4. The actions I will take today are to commit to the Lord the plans He has instructed me to make, and then lay those plans before Him in prayer and wait for the answers and the directions.
