Take Your Sunglasses

Thursday, March 26, 2020 Bryan Hudson 1 Comments

Lamentations 3:22 Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. 24 “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” 
One day I looked outdoors and could see that it was cloudy. The weather forecast called for rain and storms. Some drops of rain were beginning to fall when by the time I gathered up my things and headed to the car.

On the way out of my house, I looked at my sunglasses laying on a table and thought, “I won't need my sunglasses since it's going to be rainy and stormy all day.” 

By mid-morning, storming warning horns were blowing and fierce storms where passing through the city. While in a meeting, I could hear the rain pelting the building and see the sheets of rain outside the window. I thought, “This is a day to stay indoors and work.” I drove in the rain and wind to get back to my office for another meeting.

By mid-afternoon, the storm had passed and the sky cleared. When I stepped outside following another meeting with a friend, the glare of the bright sun and brilliant blue sky filled my eyes. Among other things, we had been talking about the faithfulness of God during times when it seems like breakthrough is slow to come. 

My conclusion to the events of that day was this: 
God always comes through for us. He always has and He always will. God has shown His faithfulness over and over again.

Regardless of how any day begins, I will always take my sunglasses.