FROM THE PASTOR’S HEART: Nine Insights While We Navigate This Storm
(Adapted from the contents of a pastoral letter)
Greetings to New Covenant Church family and friends!
Romans 15:13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We’ve entered into a season none of us have seen before. The closures, restrictions, fears, and uncertainty make one thing clear: Jesus Christ is Lord of all!
This morning I awoke with a sense of renewed purpose and optimism. We are not the first generation to face difficulty, inconvenience, and hardship. We are entering uncharted territory, but we are not sailing alone.
It appears that we are not going to be able to hold church March 22, so we’re going to lean into what we do best: Seek the Lord and care for one another. I will be communicating with our elders, deacons and leaders about this “new normal” that has been thrust upon us.
We’re going to leverage technology, conference calls, visits, and small group meetings to continue our covenant of fellowship, instruction in the word of God, and pastoral care. We’re also going to gather resources to share with individuals, families, and children. We’re also going to continue to reach out to our community.
There’s much to pray for, and rejoice in, as we enter the spring season, which is a time of renewal.
Let me offer these insights and recommendations:
1. Only look at as much news as you need to stay current. Fill your mind with the word of God and content from good books and resources.
2. Do not be fearful, which means “full of fear.” Be faithful, which means “full of faith.”
3. As always, pray, read the word of God, and have your devotional time. There are a lot of encouraging lessons and devotionals at my blog, There are also links to the podcasts and other resources at the church website,
4. When the weather gets better, take frequent walks and enjoy fresh air. Drive to a park and walk around. Your emotional and mental health are still important!
5. Do not hesitate to call on others when you have a need.  Never be too proud to ask for help.
6. Don’t get stuck on the Internet looking at conspiracy theories and foolish prophecies. Don’t click on links from people and sources you do not know. Evil people will attempt to scam others in these desperate times.
7. Trials have already started on an experimental COVID-19 vaccine. Pray that scientists will be successful and that production of the vaccine will be accelerated when it’s ready.
8. Remember that coronavirus is not deadly like Ebola, but it is dangerous to elderly persons and people with other medical conditions. You won’t get it walking outside. You wouldn’t even get it from an infected person standing away from you. Do not let fear dominate your thinking and make you afraid of all people.  Use wisdom.
9. Encourage yourself in the Lord your God!
I’ll be in touch...
God is Good…All the Time!
Pastor Bryan Hudson
(Read my statement about novel coronavirus COVID-19 and current updates from federal and state government)
(Read my statement about novel coronavirus COVID-19 and current updates from federal and state government)