What We See...What God Sees

Thursday, October 30, 2014 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Proverbs 21:2, People may be right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart.

One of the great advantages of knowing the Lord is having the Holy Spirit examine our hearts. Obviously, we only know what we know. We tend to be persuaded only by our own points of view.

We are inherently subjective, meaning that we trust our own feelings more than anything else. God helps us to become objective, meaning that we can look more independently at our own circumstances and perspectives. Being overly subjective leads to self-deception and stagnation, like a body of water with no fresh source becomes stagnant.

Becoming more objective requires taking in sources that are “bigger” than yourself and challenge your subjective assumptions. These objective sources include: The Bible, your pastor and authentic spiritual leaders (not just folk who “act/talk” spiritual), your parents, grandparents, facts, and friends who are not afraid to tell you the truth.

Let the Lord examine your heart, and be willing to change your heart and mind. The word “repent” literally means, “to change one’s mind.” This is the beginning of transformation and elevation in life.


Reflection Question: How has being subjective about a situation prevented you from achieving clarity and elevation in life? Being objective, what does God's word say about it?