RENEW | Day 3 • The Masterpiece Mindset
[NOTE: Excerpt from "Renew: Principles of Change for a Better Life." Get the ebook or book and Join In this 30-Day Devotional}
Ephesians 2:10, For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
When I was a young undergrad at John Herron Art School in Indianapolis, I did artistic painting. I used oil paints, linseed oil, and different kinds of brushes. Every painting started with a clean, empty canvas. I decided what subjects to paint, whether something from life such as objects or landscapes, or something from my imagination. The decision was mine to make.
Your mind is like a canvas. You are like a painter who can shape your reality and lifestyle through decisions and actions. God has provided all the “colors” and “brushes” (grace) needed to paint a beautiful portrait of a purposeful life.
A masterpiece does not happen by accident. It is not the result of something random. A masterpiece is the result of an inspired plan. We usually relate a masterpiece to artwork or some other work by an artist, writer, musician, architect, or craftsman. Essentially, a masterpiece is anyone’s best work. Not “best” in relation to someone else’s work, but only in relation to the master’s work and potential.
Unfortunately, the canvas of life is sometimes marked up or painted over with another image that one did not choose. It’s like having marked up paper as opposed to a clean sheet of paper. Sometimes people don’t get to start with a clean canvas. What happened to us as children had great significance on our future. We all know this, which is why everyone wants a better future for his or her children.
What I call the “masterpiece mindset” is the recognition that you and I are the masterful work of God. You are God’s masterpiece....His best work! You may not presently feel like a masterpiece, but feelings have never changed the reality of something or someone. Don’t ask yourself how you feel. Ask yourself what you believe.
Renewing the mind is the best path towards adopting the masterpiece mindset and allowing the grace of God to reveal His master work to you and through you.
Key insight: God has provided all the “colors” and “brushes” (grace) needed to paint a beautiful portrait of a purposeful life. Renewing the mind is the best path towards adopting the masterpiece mindset and allowing the grace of God to reveal His master work to you and through you.
ReplyDeleteAction Item: My mind is like a canvas. Be contentious about what I allow on my canvas, my mind. What I myself consider, believe and think, as well as what others attempt to paint on my canvas.