The Eclipse Declared The Glory of God…and His Care for You!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

On August 21, 2017, I traveled from Indianapolis to Nashville, Tennessee to experience the total eclipse. As a photographer and having a life-long interest in astronomy, it was a marvelous experience and a reminder of God’s favor on our lives!

This was, by far, the greatest thing I have ever seen in nature. 

Scattered clouds obscured the sun for parts of this celestial event. As the eclipse neared 100% a large cloud completely blocked our view. It looked like we were going to miss the best part of the eclipse. My heart sank and I considered going a couple of miles north of our location which was clear, but there was not enough time. Total eclipse was only five minutes away. I then decided to PRAY and ask God to open the clouds!

I’m not a big fan of selfish prayers and I’m always prepared for some things not to go my way, but I really wanted to see and photograph this total eclipse! I traveled 300 hundred miles to see it and brought my best photography equipment. I prayed, “Lord move these clouds in Jesus’ name.” Then I said, “Clouds move!”

With two minutes left before total eclipse, the clouds moved to reveal the sun in a clear portion of the sky. The people in a downtown grassy area in Nashville called Public Square let out a big cheer. I began taking photos while also looking up and around to experience the event with my eyes. In answer to prayer, and others in the area like prayed as well, the clouds parted to reveal the total eclipse. The sky turned darker, building and street lights came on, the hot 93 degree summer air cooled, the brighter stars became visible, the first “Diamond Ring” phenomenon appeared as the final bit of sunlight slipped behind the moon.

Then the magnificent solar corona appeared! This is the amazing sight that is only possible during a total eclipse. The corona is normally invisible because of the vastly greater brightness of the sun’s main disc. I could also see solar flares bursting from the surface of the sun within the corona. The crowd roared and I thanked God for the experience! I also reflected on August 21 as the day my dear mother passed 14 years earlier. I rejoiced in remembering how she taught me to appreciate nature’s beauty and God’s power.

Looking at the photos, I realized that the clouds provided the setting for capturing much more dramatic photographs than had the sky been clear. Sometimes our challenges, in the end, yield the best results! (Romans 8:28)

My photos of the “Diamond Ring” are among the best I have ever taken. Some of my friends remarked these were among the best photos of the eclipse they had seen. A second diamond ring phenomenon occurs as the moon moves away from covering the sun. Notice in the sequence of photos above that sun becomes “swallowed” by the clouds….but not before putting on the greatest show of light I have ever seen!

If the Lord can arrange such a thing as the moon, which is 400 times smaller than the sun, to appear to be the same size in our sky, perfectly mask our sun to allow the normally invisible solar corona to be seen, and reveal the incredible Diamond Ring effect, God can surely order our lives, empower us, and care for us through the grace provided by Jesus Christ!

To see the complete collection of photos, visit my Inspiration Images online gallery:

Watch brief montage video of solar eclipse photos and video clips set to music from 2001: A Space Odessey