Day 24 - Something More Important Than Good Plans | “House of Wisdom” Devotional

Saturday, February 24, 2018 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. 

Sometimes I hear this comment: “When God tells me what to do, I’ll do it.” I find that people operating on this mindset end up waiting for a very, very long time for God to tell them what to do. As a matter of fact, they may still be waiting!

It is not that God does not speak to his people or lead and guide them. It’s more a matter of how God wants to work in our lives. We tend to focus on our current feelings, pressing needs, and churning ambitions. God sees much more. He knows the state of our hearts and sees further ahead in order to prepare us for the future. We need to keep our hearts clear and committed to the Lord.

When Samuel went looking for a replacement for King Saul, who was neither committed to the Lord nor obedient, he was impressed by the sight of Eliab, one of David’s brothers. However, God spoke to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

Eliab looked the part, but God saw his heart and said, “Not this one.” The person everyone overlooked was David, because of his lowly status as a shepherd and his small stature.

Successful plans begin with a fully committed heart. Committed not first to succeeding, but to living in the grace, wisdom, and character of Christ. Certainly, people can succeed in life without God, but this approach can only amount to “gaining the world” and “losing one’s soul.” (Matthew 16:26)

Reflection Question: In what ways do you need to commit to God today?

Key insight I gained today:

Today’s action item based on insight: