Are You At Rest? - Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute for February 16, 2022

Tuesday, February 15, 2022 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments


(“Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute” is a weekly encouragement sent by text on Wednesdays to supporters of New Covenant Church and Dr. Bryan Hudson.  Subscribe to this blog to get connected.)

Hebrews 4:9-10 reads, “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.”

Here is a good question: What does it mean to rest in the Lord?

The best answer comes from today’s Scripture, “He who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. When God finished creation as described in the book of Genesis, He rested.

God did not rest because he was tired, He rested because He was finished!

In like manner, we rest when we finish something, or deem it as finished. Open ended and incomplete items in our lives prevent us from entering into a sense of rest. There are some matters you need to close so that you can experience rest.

Here's another perspective: To rest in the Lord is to use the power of another. If you wanted to go to a grocery store a mile away, you could walk or jog there. Or, you could allow someone to drive you there. The latter would be an example of using the “power of Another.”

We all value good effort, but sometimes we should rely on and use the power of the Lord. This is not the day to wear yourself down. This is the day to be energized and preserve your energy for tasks that fit your purpose.

Even with things we do, we should use the power of another, the grace of God, to make our efforts more fruitful and enjoyable.

God Bless and Be Encouraged!
~ Pastor Bryan Hudson, D.Min.

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