What Does Change & Transition Look Like? | Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute for June 8, 2022

Tuesday, June 07, 2022 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments


(“Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute” is a weekly encouragement. Subscribe to this blog to stay connected.) 

This Saturday, June 11, I am one of the speakers at a leadership conference online. The link to the event is in this post, join us if you can. The theme is “Change and Transition.” (Conference info here)

There are many ways to think about change and transition, but I want to offer an example from David's life. In Psalms 42:3,  David spoke of change in the negative. He said: My tears have been my food day and night, While they continually say to me, “Where is your God?” The pain of what he was going through felt like having tears for food day and night. He also said that others mocking him in saying, “Where is your God?”

I remember these words from a webinar that I was a part of a couple of years ago. Paul Scanlon said: 

• Change is in inevitable. Transition is intentional.
• Change is an event. Transition is a process that we enter into.
• Change is unchosen. Change happens to us. Transition is how we respond to change.

David did not choose the negative change that happened to him, but his positive response became part of his transition out of the difficulty.

He said in Psalms 42:4, When I remember these things, I pour out my soul within me. For I used to go with the multitude; I went with them to the house of God, With the voice of joy and praise, With a multitude that kept a holy feast.

David spoke of pouring out his soul within himself, which is a reference to casting his care on the Lord and putting his trust in God. Then he spoke of going into the house of God with others. He understood that transition always involves God, and it also involves others––but not just anybody. David said he would go into the house of God with those who had “The voice of joy and praise."

Notice when the negative change happened to David, 1) he transitioned to a place of focusing on the Lord, 2) connected with encouraging people, and 3) found his voice of joy and praise.

Following is a link to my message from Sunday on this topic: How Joy Comes -- Finding Your Voice of Joy & Praise

Your change might be unchosen, but you transition through it by what you decide to do.

God Bless and Be Encouraged!
~ Pastor Bryan Hudson, D.Min.

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