"My Personal Trainer" - DAY #9: Firm Foundation October 21-Day Devotional

Monday, October 16, 2023 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

  My Personal Trainer 

Lesson my Min. Corey J. Jones, M.Div

1 Timothy 4:8, "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

There will be obstacles in this life, but we must stay to the regimen of God’s word. The training in righteousness can be compared to the conditioning of professional athletes. In order to be great, a certain benchmark has to be set, one that will keep them accountable to their goals. 
This may include a certain amount of work-outs they complete each week and dietary restrictions they have to uphold. Ultimately they sacrifice time, desires, and behaviors for training to obtain their goals. 

The Bible is our playbook. It informs us how to live in a broken world. When we love like God loves, our compassion will increase. As we use the Word of God to correct our worldviews, we begin to make connections with our everyday activities. 

Allow these connections to renew your mind, your appetites, your behaviors, and conduct. As your desires change as a result of your focus, realize that training in Godliness is preparation for a victorious life followed by an eternity in Heaven. 

Training in Godliness will require self-discipline, but if you commit to your ultimate goal of one day being in Heaven, you’ll understand that your sacrifices are not in vain. Keep Training! God's grace will provide the power.

If you miss a day get back on the horse. Through discipline and vigor we become more Christ-like. Not only will people notice a change in your motivations but God is pleased with every step you take toward Him.

REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you pleased with your training in Godliness? How could you make more time for your personal trainer?

PRAYER: Lord, I know that you want to mold me and train me. Help me to live according to your word. Show me what activities get in the way of spending quality time with you. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to be my example. Increase my appetite for your word, and allow it to renew my thoughts and actions. I pray that today as your vessel, I exemplify my training. Allow your light to shine through me, in Jesus name Amen.

