Wishing for a Three-Day Long Christmas Day

Saturday, December 26, 2009 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Christmas may be the only day of the year when virtually everyone slows down, sits down, prays together, and gathers more closely with the people who are most dear to us. Of course, some don't have that opportunity because of circumstances or distance.

Yesterday, the Hudson household, including Dad, gathered at my oldest son's home. We cheerfully opened gifts that we wrapped mostly the night before. We shared an excellent meal prepared by my wife and oldest daughter.

Our next major agenda item was playing Wii tennis, golf, a trivia game, and darts. (I bought the Wii for our "house," not for myself, mind you.) This was my first time playing any type of video game, so I have to admit to having a little fun in the midst of my mostly very serious and task-filled life.  We then tried to play an "old school" game, Pictionary, but our intellectual capacities were so diminished from playing Wii, until we couldn't think well enough to draw recognizable pictures. We, and our diminished minds, when back to playing Wii.

Today, I'm back to work and wishing Christmas Day was at least three days long.

P.S. -  I ordered a new Wii golf game from Amazon.com for the "house" Wii console.