DAY 8 – Pray for the Peace of the City and Country | Firm Foundation Devotional

Sunday, November 08, 2020 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Jeremiah 29:7, And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace.

Today, we do not consider ourselves as “carried away captive” to our particular nations. Although, for my African-American ancestors who came to America as slaves, this text would correctly describe their plight. The difference between Jews carried away to Babylon and Africans brought to America was stark: Jews in Babylon were not mistreated in the same manner as Africans by the American institution of slavery, which was largely condoned by Christians in the Antebellum South.

That said, we have a responsibility to pray for the city and country in which we live and to seek its peace. This should be a function of social justice flowing from God‘s justice and righteousness within believers. How we relate to our city is informed by our relationship with God.

As I write this post on November 7, major news organizations have recognized the election of Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris to the presidency and vice presidency respectively. For the first time in my recollection, and probably in our nation’s history, the sitting president has not recognized the results of the election and has lied about the nature of the election. His supporters have gathered to protest and call the election “stolen” and “rigged.” This is the kind of activity that hurts a city and a nation. Democracy is voluntary and participatory. It relies on the citizenry to accept the outcome, even if the candidate we voted for does not win.

It is the responsibility of Christ Followers to provide the proper example of citizenship, to pray, and seek peace, for the city and nation. What makes this election cycle troubling is the behavior of some Christians who have put loyalty to a political office holder above loyalty to the nation. Early indications show signs of anarchy, but we are hopeful that justice and righteousness will prevail.

Reflection Question: What will you do to bring peace to your city and country?

My Action Item(s) Based on Understanding:


For a more in-depth study on matters of justice and righteousness, Get the book, 
Biblical & Social Justice: What Is It?

Available in print, Kindle, Apple iBooks, and Digital Voice editions