Day 18 | Near, No Longer Far Away – "Who I Am In Christ" Firm Foundation 21-Day Devotional
Ephesians Chapter Two is an amazing study on who you are in Christ. The Apostle Paul begins with the words, “You he made alive...” The chapter ends with the words, “You also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”
In Christ, you are on the move! You go from being “far away” to being “near.” Because of our own sinful nature we were far away from God's community and covenant in the following ways:
• Dead in your transgressions and sins (v.1)
• Sons of disobedience (v. 2)
• Dead in trespasses (v. 5)
• Foreigners and strangers (v. 19)
Because of God's love and Jesus' work (suffering, shed blood, death, resurrection) on our behalf, we have been brought near:
• Made us alive together with Christ (v. 5)
• Made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (v. 6)
• Show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus (v. 7)
• We are His workmanship (v. 10)
• Fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God (v. 19)
• Built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (V. 22)
I enjoy travel, but there's no place like home, especially if the journey involved some challenges. No matter how “far away” you may be––in one way or another––God's love wants to bring you “near.”
Reflection Questions:
1. How did Jesus' blood bring you near?
2. In what ways are you near today?
3. What type of mindset should you have today?
Action Items:
Action Items: