Be Empowered. Empower Others. | Firm Foundation inspiration Minute for November 9, 2022

Tuesday, November 08, 2022 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments


Acts 10:38, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

The scripture reread describes how God and powered Jesus to do good and heal people who were oppressed. The root of the word “empower” is “power” which is: ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.

Power has to be gained, learned, imparted, or received from God and others. This is the basis of being empowered. Empowerment is defined as follows: The PROCESS of helping others obtain opportunities, develop skills, increase capacity and gain self-sufficiency.

Where would you be today without God and the people who empowered you? In the world were so many people were trying to pull something from you, thank God for those who try to put something in you. The nature of empowering is to provide the same ability and authority possessed by the giver.

When you reflect on it, there were pivotal moments and processes in life that empowered you. These moments came from parents, teachers, preachers, public servants, mentors, employers, and coaches. I have vivid memories of many of those pivotal moments.

Having been in ministry going on 44 years, 40 years of which serving as a pastor, my whole adult life has been given to empowering others. That's only because I have been in empowered by others.

Let me encourage you to get in position to receive what you need, increase your capacity, and then turn around and help somebody else grow, gain ability and capacity

Check the podcast and the video of my message from November 6, 2022  "EMPOWERED: How We Do What We Do.

God Bless and Be Encouraged!
~ Pastor Bryan Hudson, D.Min.


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